How far have we come in fostering gender-aware education in our academic contexts? How relevant is communication research in supporting policy developments to address the challenges of gender inequality across societies? What directions, and methods, should critical analysis take to expose and address old and new forms of resistance to gender equality and gender mainstreaming? How have these forms of resistance been reshaped in the pandemic context and how are they currently operating across sectors, within and beyond academia? How are current advocacy initiatives developing synergies from the local to global levels to promote media gender equality? How can education, research and advocacy activities intersect (inform and respond to) ongoing efforts to foster a New gender Deal for the Media and the Digital?
These are some of the questions that this IAMCR event will explore. The event is jointly organised by the IAMCR Task Force for GAMAG and the UNESCO UniTWIN on Gender Media and ICT, in collaboration with the IAMCR Gender and Communication Section, the GAMAG International Steering Committee, the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), FOJO Media Institute, the International Federation of Journalists’ EU-funded project ‘Rewriting the story’ and the AGEMI project.
The event reflects the shared concerns and willingness to collaborate, amongst different realities and networks, within and outside academia, in making feminist pedagogies, methodologies and educational practices a strategic pillar in forthcoming change-making initiatives for women’s communication rights and media gender justice. The event (conducted in hybrid form: in presence and online) will comprise keynote speakers, networking panel, and an interactive session, placing specific emphasis on identifying priorities for collaboration between research, education and advocacy towards the design, articulation and implementation of a ‘New Gender Deal’ in the field of media and communication.
This session is a follow-up to the feminist gatherings that took place on the occasion of the IAMCR Conference in Madrid (July 2019) and of the IAMCR Post-conference also in Madrid (September 28t-29th 2022). On those occasions, the IAMCR Task Force for GAMAG and UniTWIN members met with researchers and advocates from various trans-national networks to debate how to articulate the project of a New Gender Deal for Media and Communications. One of the core topics discussed pertained to the contribution these networks could bring to media gender equality through educational interventions that bridged together activists, professionals, students and researchers after the harshness of the global pandemic that forced collaborations and synergies to slow down, if not stop.
As the world is currently immerse in plural and overlapping crises – post-pandemic, environmental, new and long-lasting conflicts – that affect in diverse and disproportionate manner women and marginal subjects, it is time to resume those conversations and address some major questions, such as: What agencies, networks and actors are fostering women’s communication rights perspectives across institutional and non institutional spheres of action, and what are the main constraints and challenges? Would a ‘New Gender Deal’ in media and communication contribute to support struggles for women’s communication rights? What would such a Deal look like? How could educational activities, research initiatives and advocacy intervention contribute to meet the goals of a New Gender Deal? What contribution can different local and trans-national networks bring to this global project? What are the challenges in making the project visible on a global scale and transformative in local contexts?
Date and time
Saturday, 8 July 2023 from 10h00 to 17h00
Sciences Po Lyon, Room 3.08
Organisers and sponsors
- IAMCR Task Force for GAMAG
- UNESCO UniTWIN on Gender Media and ICT
- Prof. Aimee Vega Montiel (CEIICH – UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria Mexico, GAMAG ISC: aimeeveganmx@yahoo.com.mx)
- Prof. Claudia Padovani (IAMCR, Co-Chair UNESCO-UniTWIN Network on Gender, Media & ICTs, AGEMI, University of Padova): claudia.padovani@unipd.it
- Dr. Lucía Gloria Vázquez Rodríguez (Complutense University of Madrid): luciaglv@ucm.es
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