A panel proposal is one in which a single theme is addressed by multiple authors. A complete panel proposal must include (1) a panel description and (2) an abstract for each paper/presentation in the panel. T he abstracts and the overall proposal are reviewed by the section or working group.
Two tasks must be completed for a panel submission:
A) You must create the panel in the submission platform (Ex Ordo), providing the title and description of the panel.
B) The abstract of each paper included in the panel must be submitted to the submission platform. This can be done by you, or by the authors through an invitation link that you send them.
Task 1: Creating a new panel
Log in to ExOrdo and from your dashboard click on Submit Your Panel Now.

Step 1. Track
The track is the section or working group the panel will be submitted to.
Step 2. Title & Description
In the Title box, enter the title of your panel. Then, type or paste the panel description in the Description box. The description cannot exceed 600 words in total. The title should not have more than 95 characters
Step 3. Roles
There are three role options available for panel organisers: Convenor, Discussant, and Panel Chair. You will automatically be added as Convenor but can select additional roles and assign roles to others. If the panel has Chair(s) and/or Discussant(s) add them at this stage. If you don't know the roles, they can be added until 7 February, after which you cannot change the submission (you can ask the heads of the section or working group to add or change them).
Step 4. References
Provide a few key references and/or a statement on the topic’s relation to existing literature.
Step 5. Additional information
Optionally add information
Step 6. Compliance and comments
Agree to the conditions and optionally leave a note for the heads of the Section or Working Group. Note that convening, chairing or being a panel discussant do not count towards the conference's two paper limit.
Once all steps are completed, your panel will be submitted, and a My Panels card will appear on your dashboard. All panel organisers will receive a panel submission receipt via email shortly after submitting.
Part B. Submitting abstracts to your panel

Each presentation in the panel must have an abstract. As the panel organiser you can submit the abstracts on behalf of your authors or you can invite them to submit their own abstracts.
Submitting the abstracts yourself
To submit abstracts on behalf of your contributors find your panel in the My Panels list and click on the title to expand the view. At the bottom right of the page you will see a list of options. Select the first, Submit to Panel.
Inviting your authors to submit the abstracts
Panel contributors can submit their own abstracts via a shareable link provided by you. This link directs authors to the panel once they log into the system. If authors do not have the shareable link, they cannot submit to your panel. To find your panel’s shareable link navigate to the My Panels list and click on the panel title to expand the view.

At the top of the expanded view, you will see a shareable link.

Click "Copy shareable link" and share it with the authors contributing to your panel. You will need to email the authors outside the Ex Ordo system.
In your email to authors, provide the shareable link and the below instructions:
Use this link to submit your abstract for the Panel titled “Title of your Panel”. You must submit by the 7 February 2025 deadline.
You will be prompted to create or log into your Ex Ordo account first. After logging in, you will be directed to a page with the Panel details. Click on “Submit to Panel”. The next page contains some useful tips for submitting an abstract, and a 5-step menu on the left. Select Tiile and Abstract from the menu to begin your submission.
You will receive a confirmation email after your submission has been completed, and you can also view and edit your contribution until 7 February in the My Submissions tab on the platform.