Recordings of the plenary sessions and of the IAMCR General Assembly listed on this page can be watched on this website.
Opening ceremony
Sunday 30 June | 16:30
Donald Matheson, University of Canterbury, IAMCR 2024 Local Organising Committee
Welcoming words
Nico Carpentier, President IAMCR
Usha Ramen, Vice-President IAMCR
Andrea Medrado, Vice-President IAMCR
Kevin Watson, Executive Dean, University of Canterbury
Opening keynote by Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Sunday 30 June | 17:00
Introduced by: Debashish Munshi, University of Waikato, IAMCR 2024 Local Organising Committee
Speaker: Distinguished Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, New Zealand
Plenary / Indigenous Epistemologies: Decolonising communication through Indigenous Perspectives
Monday 1 July | 10:30 – 12:30
This plenary panel features four prominent keynote speakers who look at ways of decolonising communication through Indigenous perspectives. In line with the conference theme of Weave the people together: Communicative projects of decolonising, engaging, and listening, the panel of Indigenous scholars and writers talk about drawing on Indigenous epistemologies for research oriented towards global justice and breaking down of hierarchies of power. They challenge established structures of communication research and inspire delegates to work with the lived experiences and cultural contexts of diverse groups of people and mobilize strategies for equitable communication for social and climate justice.
This plenary session was kindly sponsored by Waikato Management School, University of Waikato.
Chair: Debashish Munshi, University of Waikato, IAMCR 2024 Local Organising Committee
Dr Nēpia Mahuika, Massey University, New Zealand
Prof Bronwyn Carlson, Macquarie University, Australia
Prof Selina Tusitala Marsh, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Prof Carl Mika, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Creative Communication and Activism: Catalyst of Change?
Tuesday 2 July | 10:30 – 12:30
This plenary panel features scholars at the forefront of drawing on artistic epistemologies for research oriented towards global justice, environmental activism, decolonisation, and breaking down of hierarchies of power. We will address key questions about the processes, aesthetics, ethics, impacts, and evaluation of artistic activism, with goals to probe existing knowledge of the social, environmental, and political contributions artistic activism can make and better understand how it functions. Panellists will explore challenges such as: What is the role of art as we face dire planetary problems? How much evidence is there that art can function persuasively to change attitudes and behaviours? What kinds of creativity work best to progress social and environmental change, and how do we know? In what ways is or is not art a form of communication? What are the risks in harnessing art to change?
This plenary session was kindly sponsored by Massey School of Humanities, Media & Creative Communication
Chair: Prof Linda-Jean Kenix, University of Canterbury
Prof Shih-Diing Liu, University of Macau
Dr Helen Pearse-Otene, New Zealand
Dr Mark Harvey, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Prof Elspeth Tilley, Massey University, New Zealand
Closing and General Assembly
The conference closing includes comments and thanks from IAMCR's outgoing president, Nico Carpentier, and local organising committee chair, Donald Matheson and an invitation to IAMCR 2025, to be hosted by Nanyang Technological University in Singapore from 13 to 17 July, 2025.
The General Assembly begins at minute 46. Consult the agenda and download documentation on the IAMCR website.