The Diaspora and Media (DIM) Working Group of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites the submission of proposals for papers and panels for IAMCR 2024, which will be held in Christchurch, New Zealand, from 30 June to 4 July 2024.
The deadline for submission is 7 February 2024, at 23h59 UTC.
See the CfPs of all sections and working groups
IAMCR conferences address many diverse topics defined by our 33 thematic sections and working groups. We also propose a single central theme to be explored throughout the conference with the aim of generating and exploring multiple perspectives. This is accomplished through plenary and special sessions, as well as in some of the sessions of the sections and working groups.
The central theme for 2024 focuses on "Whiria te tāngata / Weaving people together: Communicative projects of decolonising, engaging, and listening" - which draws upon a Maori proverb about the strength that comes through common purpose.
Consult a detailed description of the main theme
The DIM Working Group invites proposals that adhere to the working group’s interest in diaspora and media. We are keen on submissions that attend to multifaceted perspectives and schools of thought. It is imperative that we revisit and reevaluate what it means to conceptualise interactions across nationalities and other imagined communities. That we generate intellectual expositions that amplify and represent the often overlooked and marginalised soft voices of diasporic communities. We are living in a momentous and opportune moment to rekindle debates of the effects of media communication across borders and spaces, offline and online, in -person and virtual. We invite research that employs rigorous theoretical and methodological approaches to generate relevant findings and solutions to problem statements and gaps of literature that are pertinent for the existence of deeply connected and humane diasporic communities.
The Working Group strives to create a space amenable to intellectually progressive academic engagements. We look forward to receiving submissions that showcase media – driven possibilities and transformations that are currently apparent in diaspora communities. Insights that help stimulate a better sense of belonging a more inclusive, enmeshed and empowered diaspora.
Our Working Group welcomes contributions that explore the main topic of the conference, Whiria te tāngata / Weaving people together: Communicative projects of decolonising, engaging, and listening. We also welcome submissions that explore any of the five interconnected sub-themes.
Contributions can consist of but are not limited to the following:
- Studies demonstrating how communities in the diaspora engage in multi-faceted communication: exploring multiple narratives, forging spaces for diverse voices and communities, promoting epistemic plurality in a globalised world.
- Studies showing how media create platforms that transcend spatial and temporal differences. Developing and cementing shared interests among migrants, fostering dialogue and mutual understanding.
- Studies that showcase media creating more engaging, reflexive spaces with collaborative content and attentive audiences amplifying marginalised voices in diverse contexts.
- Studies that investigate the role of communication in movements for social justice, equality, and sustainable interventions for migrant communities.
- Studies on the ethics of media and communication affecting migrant communities: reflecting power dynamics and visibility.
Guidelines for abstracts
Abstracts are requested for papers to be presented in person at the conference in Christchurch. Abstracts submitted to the Diaspora and Media Working Group should have between 300 and 500 words and must be submitted online here. Abstracts submitted by email will not be accepted.
The deadline to submit abstracts is 7 February 2024, at 23.59 UTC.
It is expected that each person will submit only one (1) abstract. However, under no circumstances should there be more than two (2) abstracts bearing the name of the same author, either individually or as part of any group of authors. The same abstract, or a version with minor variations in title or content, must not be submitted to more than one Section or Working Group. Such submissions will be deemed to be in breach of the conference guidelines and will be rejected by the abstract submission system, by the Head of the Section or Working Group or by the Conference Programme Reviewer. Authors submitting the same work to multiple Sections or Working Groups risk being removed entirely from the conference programme.
Proposals are accepted for both single papers and for panels with several papers (in which you propose multiple papers that address a single theme). Please note that there are special procedures for submitting panel proposals.
Authors of accepted abstracts have until 7 June to submit full papers.
See important dates and deadlines to keep in mind
The Diaspora and Media Working Group welcomes abstracts in English, Spanish and Portuguese. English is preferred because we have a limited number of reviewers who can evaluate abstracts in other languages. We do ask that members correspond with the chairs in English, where possible.
See resources for IAMCR conference preparation and participation
For further information about the Diaspora and Media Working Group, its themes, submissions, and panels please contact the Head of the working group:
Sumana Chattopadhyay sumana.chattopadhyay@marquette.edu
Brian Pindayi brianpindayi@gmail.com
Jessica Retis jessica.retis@gmail.com
Sofia Zanforlin szanforlin@gmail.com
Join the IAMCR Diaspora and Media Working Group on Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/groups/499328720140317